Yeah I know! Me!
It being a kids comic there's a few things I've had to leave out. Like the rude stuff, and the swearing.
"But surely there's nothing left is there?" I hear you ask.
Turns out there is plenty left over thank you very much.
Click the pics to make them go big.

I'm dead pleased with the work I've done on the bogies. I don't really do a lot of posts on it because I didn't come up with them myself (that was Mark Greenbaum, and Paul Kell) So it feels a little like taking credit for something that others should be taking credit for.

That said it's all drawn and written by myself, not those two losers. And it's the writing I like most.
A couple more Bogie strips here.
Nice work, fella. Made me chuckle!
not bad day job to have
I much prefer your personal strips though. Your wife is so cute, why are you always trying to ditch her? The grass is always greener on the other side, but it's still grass mate!
anyway, the reason I leave this comment is because my friends make a free music newspaper called The Stool Pigeon, and they're always looking for new strips, full page, full colour ones. They even pay a little (not much, think it's £100)
The only rule is strips have to have something to do with music (but the link can be pretty loose)
If you're interested, drop the editor Phil and email: Phil Hebblethwaite
keep up the good work
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